Friday, December 05, 2008

The Power of Positive Thinking

It has been a rough ride of late (which I will detail soon) and yesterday was no exception.

DFEH had unceremoniously dumped the kids at mine at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, after only having had them for two days, warning me with only the most perfunctory of phone calls. I had to up and leave work in the middle of a project to do the shopping then get home, cook, do homework, and wrestle monsters in bed.

Obviously all of their school things were at his, so E had to leave here at 7:15 to get his books and I was to meet DFEH at school to get P's back pack; all of that to say that I was running late.

Then my neighbor tells me the metro is out, AGAIN (it is exceptional when it is running normally - turns out it was a surprise strike and both my metro lines were affected). It was freezing and raining, of course.

Then I got a huge run in my tights.

I sat down, and to be honest, almost cried, but didn't. I thought : I managed to stay extra calm with the kids on Wednesday and they were lovely. DFEH may be an arse, but he is no longer my arse to deal with. I had extra down time with P, waiting with her for her backpack, and she is funny. The metro was packed, but I got on it and got sympathetic smiles from my fellow passengers and wasn't that late for work. I had a HUGE hole in my tights, but was wearing boots and a long skirt so no one could see it. Then I put a big smile on my face, got on with my day and it was smooth sailing from there.

I read the article in the link above and it was lovely to see scientific proof of what I have always believed: the power of positive thinking!


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